Weekly Blogging

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I spent a few weeks away from the office in early January, just like last year, mostly on vacation. Something I started to do last year was to take some of my away-from-office time and do some writing, in particular, editorials for the year. I have to write quite a few of these, and it can be hard to come up with an idea I like and write it in a few days. I did the same thing this year and stocked up on quite a few ideas that should be pretty easy to fill in when I am at a loss for other ideas.

I will fully admit that sharing my opinions on life and tech is the hardest part of my job. So this year, I decided that I should do it even more. This is the kind of logic that keeps life entertaining, right?

To be fair, one way I was deficient last year was posting about the stuff that Simple Talk was doing. Sponsoring conferences and SQL Train didn’t get the coverage they needed in print or social media. Part of it was the awkward timing we had with many events, and the complexities of making sponsorships happen. But I need to get that done before and after every event. Blogging about events I attend and that we sponsor will definitely help me fill out the weeks.

Another topic of interest this year will be SQL Server 2025. Once it goes to a public preview, I will scour the documentation for stuff for me to write about, even though I expect several of our writers who write on SQL Server already to beat me to it. But, for some features, I may add my slant to the topic too!

If I really find some time, I am hoping to do some blogging about PostgreSQL. I may do a series of blogs as I learn how concurrency is implemented in PostgreSQL. In many ways, my knowledge of how SQL Server handles concurrency has made it kind of hard for me to understand some of the finer points of PostgreSQL.

I haven’t blogged weekly or more frequently in years, but this should be fun (or at least interesting!) It helps that I have pre-written a month of posts already, so all I have to do is keep ahead and make sure never to take much time off from it.

Who knows, maybe someday I will write half as much as my good friend and colleague at SQL Server Central, Steve Jones. Although, perhaps that is too much to ask.

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About the author

Louis Davidson

Simple Talk Editor

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Louis is the editor of this Simple-Talk website. Prior to that, has was a corporate database developer and data architect for a non-profit organization for 25 years! Louis has been a Microsoft MVP since 2004, and is the author of a series of SQL Server Database Design books, most recently Pro SQL Server Relational Database Design and Implementation.